List Leverage review is it really that easy or am i being scammed

How Does List Leverage Work?

Typically, with a normal autoresponder, you’ll have to generate every single lead by yourself, which takes work, skill, and effort.

On the other hand, with List Leverage, it’s intended to be like a team effort.

Every lead that is generated by you they’ll be added to your subscribers list.

There’s a small catch that you should be aware of.

Every 5th lead you’ll have to pass-up to your sponsor. (Also, known as the person who referred you)

Matthew Neer, calls this your lead line.

So, it goes like this, your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lead will go into your list.

And, when you get your 5th lead.

That person is passed up to the person who referred you to the system.

The process repeats itself until infinity.

So, there’s no cap on how many leads you can generate. And there’s no cap on how many 5th leads you’ll pass up.

To make sure you understand how this works. 

Let’s give another example.

Your 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th lead, you’ll keep.

The 10th lead is passed up. I think you get it now.

The bottom line is, every 5th lead you’ll always have to pass up.

If you want to know how many leads you’re passing up. It’s 20% of your list.

An Example Of 20% Of your Leads Given Up

For example, if you were able to generate 1000 leads.

You’ll end up with 800 leads on your list. And your sponsor will get the other 200 leads.

Keep in mind that everyone who joins this system, is repeating the same process.

So, you won’t be the only one passing up leads.

As I mentioned earlier it’s almost like a team effort.

According to List Leverage all you must do is drive traffic.

Once you get the leads on your list, the system is supposed to host events to your leads. Such as:

  • Live Webinars
  • Conference Calls
  • Facebook Lives


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